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Join over 1 million people who love our experiences
It's our mission to help you live a more fulfilling life through unique and amazing experiences.
1 Million People
45,000+ Experiences
We've delivered tens of thousands of unique experiences helping people celebrate and enjoy their time better. That's over 1 million happy people who have been part of an AmazingCo experience!
Our Customers Let Us Know
Hearing that your experience was amazing is our biggest reward! Our customers have rated their experiences an average of 4.9 out of 5 stars on Facebook and that makes us really happy.
50 Cities Globally & Counting
North America, Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. We're helping people everywhere discover what 'time better spent' really means. 50 cities globally with many more to come.
Trusted By The Biggest Brands
Companies around the world turn to AmazingCo to create unique and amazing corporate team experiences. Because time at work should be amazing as well!